Dragon Age Alistair Wedding Mod


  1. Dragon Age Alistair Romance
  2. Dragon Age Alistair Wedding Mod 3
  3. Dragon Age Alistair Voice Actor

Jun 21, 2016 Dragon Age Origins Alistair's Revised Romance Mod - Bathing Scene. Watch fullscreen. 4 years ago 151 views. Dragon Age Origins Alistair's Revised. Dragon Age Redesigned This mod redesigns over 500 NPCs in the game to make their appearance better. You can choose to change them based on Lore (characters redesigned to fit their races better) or Aesthetics (characters redesigned to be more attractive) or a combination of both. Feb 17, 2012  Dragon Age: Origins - Zevran's gay wedding with Dalish Warden - Duration: 2:32. Captain Hal 15,833 views. Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: Kaidan M!Shep Romance. First Night and other romantic actions with Alistair- Dragon Age Origins (mods) - Duration: 9:07. MrVupii 134,286 views. Feb 27, 2014  The mod is fully compatible with Dahlialynn's Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding. If Alistair was made king at the Landsmeet and Female Human Noble did.not. get engaged to him then, the proposal in this mod will trigger the wedding scene. The mod is also fully compatible with The Grey Warden Weddings. If Alistair was made king at the. Aug 15, 2015  Dragon Age Origins Alistair- Grey Warden Wedding)Boda Alistair Guarda Gris (Human Noble) MOD. Dragon Age Origins. Grey Warden Weddings Alistair Dragon Age Origins new mod. Dragon Age Origins. Dragon Age: Origins Alistair Love Scene with fem. Bolden Luigi. Dragon Age Origins Alistair Romance Sex Scenes Dragon.

There are posts for other characters as well.

Obviously this entire post is spoilers, so don’t read it if you don’t want to know specifics about Alistair.

Note: I had an opportunity to play on the PS3 recently. The approval rates vary slightly from the PC. This is for the PC version, but it should get you close on console, as well. The unique gifts (his mother’s locket and Duncan’s shield) seemed to boost approval much more on the console than they do on the PC. I had to get a little farther in the game before he was ready to spend the night with my Warden than I usually do, but it wasn’t too far from this. I hadn’t given him his mother’s locket, yet, but I did use some of his other Gifts to get him to the point.

In the course of playing Dragon Age I’ve played male and female Wardens both. They’ve romanced Alistair, Zevran, Morrigan, and Leliana. Most of them were good friends with those who weren’t romantically involved.

Some of the NPCs are quicker to “join you in their tent” than others. While some fall in love, others are into flings. There’s many, many ways of doing this, but here are some simple ways to quickly get into Alistair’s favor and on with the romance / sex / friendship.

These are my actual dialog choices for getting him to like the Warden or into a romance quickly.

Alistair is a “Boy Scout” at heart so he gives approval for doing nice things for people, likes to hear good things about Duncan, and enjoys positive attention. He is only interested in women. To get on these characters’ good sides you’ll need to chat with them every chance you get. Spend some time in your Camp talking to all of them so you can get their full stories.

When you first meet him, he’s arguing with a mage. Speak with him to the end of the scene then click on him again.

+2 Approval – Ask about Duncan, tell him he seems like a kind, if firm, man.

+2 Approval – If you don’t ask him about the argument about the mage, he’ll ask you about being a Grey Warden. Tell him “Yes” that you wanted to be one. If you’re taking this as more of a role playing aspect and your character is reluctant, you can avoid this branch by not asking about the mage.

+1 Approval – Feed the prisoner in the cage in the side quest. If you don’t take the key as a reward and do it out of compassion you get +2 Approval.

+1 Approval – When speaking to Duncan before going to light the fire in the Tower of Ishal Alistair makes a comment about putting on a dress and dancing the Remigold. Tell him “I’d like to see that…”

+4 Approval – After waking up in Flemeth’s hut go through the various dialog until you can say: “I think we should just get underway.”

+1 Approval – Once you go through Lothering, you’ll be tossing and turning with nightmares. Thank him for being concerned and tell him that you’re fine.

Talk to him in while you’re in Camp.

+6 Approval
— Do you want to talk about Duncan?
— That doesn’t mean I don’t mourn his loss
— No harm done, Alistair
— He had you.
— No, I understand completely
— Maybe I’ll go to Highever with you, when you go.

+3 Approval / Initiate Romance (female only) by telling him: “Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?” Any of the results are fine except telling him it’s nothing to get excited about or that you’d rather he didn’t return the compliment. In other words, don’t confuse the poor man.

+1 Approval – Ask him about being a Templar. When he talks about the lyrium tell him that it’s “terrible!” they would do something like that.

+ 1 Approval
— Ask him about how he became a Grey Warden.
–- I mean before that.
–- You don’t seem like the religious sort.
–- Why did the grand cleric want to keep you?
–- I’m sorry.

+5 Approval
–- So this Arl Eamon raised you?
–- Really? That must have been tough for them (note you can get more approval by saying “That explains the smell” but considering my Warden hit on him 30 seconds ago, I don’t usually put down his hygiene.)
–- Uh huh. Raised by flying, devout dogs. I see. (I think this actually gives you a -1 but you get overall more Approval, and get some fun things to answer back with by taking this path.)
–- Only the ones where we’re making mad love in my tent.

+4 Approval
–- Why have you remained a Templar if you hate the Chantry?
–- Oh? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wearing it (the mage has an additional line here, although I don’t recall what it is exactly. I think it’s something to the effect of: “Then you should have been a mage.”)
–- And what’s the real reason?
–- Then make up something more exciting.
–- I think I understand.
–- I guess my home is with the Grey Wardens now. With you.
–- They can be rebuilt.

+3 Approval – the infamous Lamppost in Winter conversation
–- If you were raised by the Chantry have you never….?
–- You know what I mean.
–- Now you’re making fun of me.
–- Why yes! I’ve licked a lamppost in winter!
–- You never had the opportunity?
–- You think I’m beautiful?
–- I’d never hurt you.

+5 Approval. Ask him what changes after the Joining.
–- I mean what changes physically?
–- Just try that line on me.
–- I haven’t felt anything like that.
–- What can I say? I’m a growing girl (then smack him one on the shoulder, because what woman wants to be told she’s an overzealous eater or her butt really DOES look big in that armor?)
–- I’ve had some strange dreams.
–- His time has come?
–- Why Orzammar?
–- I never wondered that, I understand. (If taking an RP track and you’re not happy hearing that, some of those can result in negative.)
–- He will be remembered.

+3 Approval – ask him what it was like to be a Grey Warden with the others.
–- No, I’d like to hear about them.
–- Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
–- I’m sorry, this must be hard for you.
–- Not at all.

+3 Approval – Unless you’re using the Alistair Dialog Mod by Lady Olivia which delays gossip, he’ll go into the Camp gossip when you click on him, now. Play along with him for more approval.

Dragon age alistair romance

–- Time for the juicy gossip, I take it?
–- If you want to lead all you have to do is ask.
–- Sounds like fun, ask away!
As long as you keep the conversation going, it doesn’t seem to matter what you say to him on anyone except Morrigan. When he gets to her…
–- You two really don’t like each other, do you?
–- I don’t have to like her, she’s useful.

+4 Approval – Ask him to speak privately.
–- I need to tell you how much I enjoy your company.
–- I feel the same way.

+2 Approval – Kiss him.

Give him the statuette found in Lothering which is one of his special Gifts and you should be around +64 Approval.

You can ask him to join you in your tent but he’ll turn you down at this point. Do not push him! He’s a shy guy, and asking after the first time results in his getting flustered and negative approval.

You can go anywhere on the map now, but I normally go to Redcliffe and begin the first portion of the quests there. Bring Alistair along if you want to pick up some Approval and let him play “tank.”

Alistair stops you and you get a cut scene before going into town.

+5 Approval
–- What’s on your mind?
–- So you’re not just a bastard, you’re a royal bastard?
–- I think I understand.
–- Are you sure you’re not hiding anything else?
–- You’re a prince. Somehow I find that idea very … thrilling.
–- (Anything to wrap up the conversation is fine.)

+ 3 Approval – Drop in to talk to Bann Teagan after speaking with Thomas on the bridge. Say whatever you want then ask him what kind of evil things are attacking. Alistair will want to help the village. Tell Teagan that of course you’ll help.

You have a weeping girl near the door named Kaitlyn. Tell her you’ll find her brother for her then go out the Chantry and around the corner to her house. You’ll find her brother lurking in a cabinet. Be nice to him and ask him why he was hiding. (You’ll need at least 2 blocks of Persuasion.) He’ll tell you about his grandfather’s sword. You can either Persuade him that you’ll use it to help the village or promise him that you’ll give Kaitlyn some money to help his family out (if you’re nice. I’m assuming considering all the above dialog your Warden isn’t out to bully little boys with big dreams.)

Go back to Kaitlyn and be sure you have some gold on you. Tell her you found the sword and pay her 500 silver (or 5 gold for it. Note I had a bad typo in there which said 500 gold. The whole village probably isn’t worth that.) Alistair will give +2 Approval. This also effects other party members good and bad, but that’s for other posts.

Alistair will be at Adore level now, and ready to sleep with your Warden if you ask him. If he isn’t quite there you can ask him about his birthright the next time you’re in Camp.

Tell him you’re hurt that he didn’t trust you.
–- I guess I can understand that.
–- It doesn’t sound stupid at all.
–- Don’t worry about it, no harm done.

He’ll approach and trigger his personal quest to find his sister. Tell him you’re willing to and don’t make any overly abrasive comments for a +2 Approval.

The next time you click on him he’ll tell you that he’s starting to have feelings for the Warden and wants confirmation.

+ 4 Approval
–- Miss the constant battles, or miss you?
–- I think I already do or It’s too early to say (either of these trigger him to kiss her.)
–- Either tell him she liked it or she’ll need more testing to be sure. Either one is okay.

+8 Approval – Invite him to bed. As long as you don’t say something obviously rude or shoot him out of the saddle it won’t matter the dialog. Go through the romance scene with him then you’ll get several options to speak with him after the fact. You can either joke lightly with him about being struck by lighting or tell him he was great in bed. (Which I think it’s safe to assume most men would like to hear that one virtual or otherwise.)

For him to actually fall in love you must complete his personal quest and take him to see his sister.

If you want to wait, he will approach the Warden and initiate sex if you’re patient. You’ll have to complete any of the Blight quests (wrap up the Curse in the forest one way or the other, do the Circle Tower, finish Orzammar, or go through Haven to see an end with Eamon one way or the other.) You’ll also have to finish his personal quest, and have high enough approval. If the Warden meets all those criteria, he’ll approach her and begin a cutscene conversation where he asks her to spend the night with him.

Key points to remember so you don’t piss him off:

Killing Conner is bad, but using blood magic to kill Isolde is much, much worse. If possible, save the Mages of the Circle using the Litany of Andralla and save Conner’s life by sending Wynne, Morrigan, Irving, or yourself (if playing a Mage Warden) into the Fade.

Alistair is not a mercenary personality. Things like allying with Branka, killing all the Dalish, and I’m assuming poisoning the Sacred Ashes don’t go over well with him. That’s the last thing I haven’t done, so I don’t know exactly how he reacts to the ashes.

Getting involved with Zevran or Leliana will eventually make him jealous and he’ll ask that you choose him or the other person. He generally approves of helping people and will give Approval for freeing the Smith’s daughter as well as releasing the trapped elven mage in a gem down in the Werewolf ruins (unlocks Arcane Warrior.)

Here’s a list of his special Gifts.

You can marry him if you play a Human Noble and become the Queen.

He’s not too fond of being the king, but if you harden his personality he takes to it better. If you’re not playing a human noble and you want to stay with him after he’s king you must harden his personality. He’ll break it off with her otherwise. If you need help becoming queen I have a post up for it.

You don’t have to make him king. If his personality isn’t hardened, especially, he’ll be happy to stay a Grey Warden.

The only way to spare his life is to do the Dark Ritual or leave him behind at the gates. If you don’t and he loves her, he will take the death blow with the Archdemon. Without a mod, there’s no allowing your Warden to go out in a blaze of glory for the man she loves if he stays in your party. (Male Wardens / friends can, but not the woman he loves.)

If you recruit Loghain, Alistair leaves. That’s his Crisis Point. There’s no talking him out of it, and the only way for him to stay in the game is to marry him to Anora. He won’t keep the Warden on the side if you put Loghain through the Joining. He’s done with your Warden as a love interest at that point.

* Dragon Age Origins, the Toolset and all its characters belong to Bioware and their respective owners. This blog is dedicated to their work with fiction, tutorials, and things to share with other fans.

The actual content of this blog, however, is created by me. Please do not copy it in whole or part without a link back. You don’t need my permission to paraphrase, share links, or borrow any of my content. After all, it’s dedicated to Dragon Age. You can borrow it word per word or right off the page if you give me credit by linking back to my blog. It only takes a second, it’s appreciated, and that’s all I ask.

Many of the links on this page are broken. I’m in the process of cleaning it up and fixing them. I’ll also add several more mods to my list. For now the correct addresses are:

Each of these links has a number on it when you go to a dead page. Take the number and put it after /mods/

This will take you to the actual mod until I have time to update all the dead links.

The Dark Times Act 1 link has been changed and it’s current.

Tips & Tricks / Cheats have been moved. The page was getting too cluttered. If you’re having problems with More Hairstyles, Pineapple Tree, CC’s Tints and Tones, etc. click on Technical link below for a possible fix.

Technical Mods

First and foremost, there’s a very common problem faced with installing Mods which change hair styles, skin tones, eye colors, add hair colors and other fun things for your character. You may have had the frustration of having one work, not the other, and not being able to get them to all work at the same time.

The reason for this is the all have a chargenmorphcfg file. Only one chargenmorphcfg will work at a time. Thus if you have 3 different Mods with 3 different chargenmorphcfg files, you get a recipe for instant frustration. You can edit them yourself if you feel up to the task, but I prefer things as easy as possible.

Thanks to some kind soul out there, you can have this taken care of in just a few clicks – no tutorials or coding experience needed. Try it, you won’t regret it.

This handy program is called the DA Modder. It makes for easy install / uninstalling of mods. DA Modder

Dragon Age Alistair Wedding Mod

Make your console commands visible. If you’re curious about the console, you can read up on it, here.

Cosmetic Mods which haven’t conflicted:

I get so tired of “losing” Alistair in Lothering. Brown hair, brown eyes, brown armor, brown town. It’s like “Where’s Waldo” Dragon Age style. Put an end to that and other fugly armor by recoloring it – simple, neat and easy interface with a LOT of options. Universal Dye Kit

Sometime I like the helmets and think they look great. Other times… to quote Leliana about Ferelden shoes: “Yeeeeiiiick!!” This mod has been updated and I tested it for Awakenings and Origins. I like the option of seeing the faces of my party members if I want to. Show / Hide Your Helmet Be careful with this one and the Golems of Amgarrak. If you try and use it, your enemies don’t spawn. Be sure to turn it off before playing that DLC.

Change your Mabari to black or white. Change it into a wolf, Witherfang, or a Blight wolf. It does change other brown Mabari in the game as well, but I enjoy this little mod. War paint does not show up on the 1.04 patch Mabari Switch

Make your Mabari look like a Rottweiler. This only changes the dog in your party so you can use it with the mod above to change the other hounds if you want to. (Scroll down to the file you want.) War paint doesn’t show up on the 1.04 patch.The Rotty Mabari

Make your Mabari Grey – although like the Mabari Switch mod this will change all the Mabari in the game. It’s still a nice color if you like a grey dog. The war paint works for this one, but only on the NPC Mabari.

If you’re tired of putting runes into a weapon and walking down the street dripping cold or looking like you’re on fire, below is one for you. This removes the special effects on weapons when you put runes in them or if they naturally have the effect because of what they do. Spells like “Frost Weapon” still show, but other effects won’t. Worked in Awakening, too. Remove Weapon FX

This one removes the weird dripping light associated with activating a personal power like Berserker. You’ll flare for a few seconds to know it’s active then the effect goes away. Worked in Awakening, too. Personal FX Remover

The name says it all Sexy Mage Robes for the Human Male. This Mod replaces one of the robes with a sexier, shirtless version. (I’m female, so I like to stare at Anders in this one.) Video at the bottom with the Mod in action.

These two mods are also “Beefcake” for people who like to see a shirtless man. This one replaces the underwear with a pants only shirtless version. This is a replacement texture for the mod which will put hair on the chests.

Click to enlarge – this shows you what they will do.

Now if you want to run around Ferelden full time either in your underwear or in the pants, this mod will allow you to do that. All the protection and stats of your armor remain intact, but you see only a character in their loincloth or pants as above. Fully customizable so if you want to see your ladies looking sexy but not your men or vise versa you can pick and choose who you reveal in the party. Even works with Ser Gilmore.

Turn about is fair play – sexy female mage robes – you can also get a variety of sexy outfits for your female mages. I wasn’t impressed with these because many of them didn’t seem to do what I liked the way the vanilla Archon robe or the Reaper’s Vestment do. However, they will make your party drool worthy if you like to look at well dressed (or partially dressed) women. 😉 They seem to be well balanced and not intended to be game breakers.

Here is a large selection of sexy armor and robes for both men and women. There’s something in this mod for just about everyone, from simple bared arms on male mages, to more revealing armors for women (not an adult mod.) A little leg (and much more.)

Replace the “Can I get you a ladder so you can get off my back?” comment in the violent voice sets. This is not perfect and some people won’t find the replacement phrase to make sense. S/he will say: “Now I cloak my naked villainy” in replacement of the “Ladder” comment. This may seem odd since s/he may be doing nothing but opening a door or chest. If the ladder bit gets on your nerves and you love the voice set, however, you may want to give this a try. Violent Voice Minor Mod

Make your Mabari bark less. He still lets out the occasional “woof” but he’s not nearly as chatty with this Mod. Barker Breaker

The Witcher comes to Ferelden. I’ve never played The Witcher and this mod is listed in 2 places on this page. I got it strictly for the hair, and didn’t care about the armor (although it does have a great look and someone clearly had insane talent to create it) or the weapons. You might, however, particularly if you like The Witcher.

TMP’s mods are well worth watching if you liked the Grey Warden armor, Dog, or armors in Dragon Age 2. This modder is bringing a taste of II over into Origins. This is also where the armor came from in the screen shots I have of Alistair for wallpaper images. Check it out and bookmark if you like it, this is an ever expanding project

Cosmetic Mods Which Can Conflict:

(But that can be easily fixed with the Mod at the top under Technical.)

More hairstyles for the DA Toolset or for the in-game character creator. More Hairstyles

Anto Hairstyles – As the name suggests, more hair.

Additional Hair for DA – Even more hair

Hairstyle Day – Yet another Hair mod.

If you need help using them in the toolset I put up a Tutorial. Use in the DA Toolset

Add a huge array of more skin tones (natural and fantasy), hair colors, tattoo colors, and brighten the eye colors. I like all of that so use the combo pack, but if you just want one effect and not all, you can get these individually. Search “pineapple” on Dragonagenexus if you want to look for them individually, or follow this link to get all of them at once: The Whole Pineapple

Even more skin, hair, tattoo and eye colors (for use in the toolset or with in-game creator.) CC’s Tints and Tones

This one doesn’t add a whole lot, but there’s a few scars and effects for you with the in-game generator and possibly the Toolset (never have checked on the Toolset.) Chargen Package

If you have white lines showing up in the hair, this can usually be fixed with the DA Toolset.


Alistair’s First Night – this is a very romantic replacement for the first time Alistair spends the night with his love. I’m not sure if there’s anything for dwarves, but there’s elf and human sequences. This is not classified as “adult” material on the site.

Improved kiss for Alistair – Give the man a kiss that knocks him out of his boots rather than the generic vanilla version.

Also by DahliaLynn (the same author as the kiss and First Night for Alistair and Ser Gilmore.): Alistair and Female Human Noble Wedding. True to her form, this exquisite scene is jammed with amazing animations and emotion. A must for the lady Wardens who love Alistair and marry him at the end.

Alistair’s Nightmare – Great for romanced and bromanced / buddy Alistair. Gives your Warden a tent to sleep in either alone or with your love interest. At a random point it will trigger a nightmare for Alistair.

Dark Ritual Replacement If a female Warden is in love status with Alistair and takes Morrigan’s offer for the Dark Ritual, this is a touching scene which replaces the vanilla one where he’s happily having sex with Morrigan. (Because let’s be real, that scene was set up for the male Warden anyway. It works for him/male Wardens who love her. For Alistair and Loghain? Not so much.)

A ring from Alistair – This is a nice little mod which gives an engaged female Warden (Cousland or others) a wearable ring in their inventory.

61 Alistair Head Morphs. Exactly what it says it is. They’re very generic and vanilla changing eye color, hair color, hair style, and adding beard / stubble but not altering his features. I can call them bland – I made them. 😛

This one will allow you to keep your Mabari with you the same way a Ranger or a Mage can summon a “pet” to be with the group. It still functions 100% and becomes a 5th party member. Extra Dog Slot

Ever want to get Zevran in your group earlier? This mod triggers the cut scene with Howe / Logain hiring him just after Lothering. Zev will then go after you as soon as you leave Lothering. Zev ASAP

Slap Morrigan — The name pretty well says it all, and for those who aren’t “Team Morrigan” and she drives you insane, it gives you the option of a “light hearted mod that lets you slap Morrigan. Useful when she disapproves of you opting not to drown a bag of kittens. It overrides her main conversation with a new one adding the slap interaction.” Conflicts with Lady Olivia’s Alistair Dialog Mod and some others. Although some of my female Wardens have smacked her on occasion, this one often hasn’t worked for me. Slap Morrigan

Karma’s Origins Companions – This mod is huge. It also works with Ser Gilmore, the extra people in the Return to the Korcari Wilds, and extras from Dark Times Act 1. It also works with several other mods which add party members. Once again, be sure you read the instructions. This adds a whole bunch of romancable NPCs who have their own quests (made from scratch and adds a lot of fun game time.) The characters aren’t voiced, but they do have a lot of dialog which (in my opinion) fits them. This is a WIP with updates now and again. Next up is a new romance scene for Cullen.

Dialog Mods:

Some of the Dialog Mods will conflict, others won’t. Where possible, I made a note of my experiences with them. All of them have been used by me.

There is actually original content in some of the dialog with Alistair and Morrigan (male and female Wardens) which was blocked out accidentally in the miles of code. This Mod unlocks Alistair’s content, as well as provide small tweaks which glitched in his dialog.

For female Wardens in a romance there’s some slight variants on what he says in camp. It’s all original content but (for example) rather than “Something you need my dear?” the Mod has him saying the “My love?” sentence from when you’d change over to him in play.

What I’m not personally fond of is that it changes one of the slides at the end. That’s not my thing, so I just uninstall it right before slaying the Archdemon. Alistair Dialog Patch


Be warned: It conflicts with the Slap Morrigan Mod and sometime other dialog fix mods. As far as I know, there hasn’t been anyone who has fixed this.

At the very bottom of the post there’s a copy of the conversation about the Joining which was restored by the Mod if you want to see it.

This fixes some bugs in Leliana and Zevran’s dialog, plus allows you to kiss Leliana or Zevran any time. You can also ask Leliana to sing at any time in camp. It didn’t conflict with Lady Olivia’s Alistair Mod. Dialogue Tweaks

I’ve only gone through the game using this mod (1.03 patch), so I’m assuming it fixed what it says it did. I haven’t played a city elf to the end while not using it, but the dialog with his love, Leliana, came up the way I’ve heard it described on the PS3 version of the game. I’m assuming it works. City Elf Romance Alienage Fix

Now for those who are “Team Morrigan” the Morrigan Restoration Patch / Dialog Fixpack is well worth it.

This is canon, so it will not change the game (or endings.) It does, however, unlock a lot of original content voiced by Claudia Black (Morrigan’s voice actress) and restore scenes which were cut. Like Alistair’s mod, it polishes up some places where her dialog wasn’t correct and fixes the Shapeshifting bug.

There are restored scenes were you have the option of protecting or betraying Morrigan to templars, return with her to Flemeth’s hut before her quest is done, getting busted for lying to her about the True Grimoire and the intended interaction between them when you return from the Wilds with the True Grimoire.

Now the down side: it doesn’t necessarily play nice. If it won’t work correctly, I suggest removing all other dialog mods. (Save your game frequently.) You’ll know for sure after you complete her personal quest. If it teleports you to her and she just stands there with her typical response to your Warden (“What comes, my friend?” Laughs, etc.) then you have a conflict. If it shows your Warden strolling across camp to her, then it’s working.

You’ll also know at the end of the Broken Circle Quest when you speak to Greagoir.

I did get it to work with the Zevran Dialog Fix mod which is specifically compatible and with Party Banter 5 which is part of the Zev Dialog Fix.

I realize it would be great if all the modders were able to release one giant mod that fixes all the dialog for everyone, but let’s be realistic… We’re not paying these people and they’re giving their hard work and time to the community out of the goodness of their hearts. Morrigan Dialog Patch

ZDF’s party banter fixes restores a LOT of ambient chat which was supposed to originally be in the game. These are all the original voices by the actors. Some of them are pretty amusing. I don’t know if it works with the other Dialog Mods other than Morrigan’s.

Dragon Age Alistair Wedding Mod

There’s a lot of great mods on this page, but so far all I’ve tested has been the Party Dialog Banter.

I plan on running a character to romance Zevran and being all about Zev where I’ll test out some of the mods specific to him. He hasn’t got his turn in the barrel, yet, since Audrie (the recycled female Warden mage with 5 different incarnations) has always been with Alistair.

If you feel adventurous, give them a try – they look like fun! Zevran Dialog Fix

General Fixes:

Plus Healing Received Fix – There’s a bug which makes the Healing Received on items obsolete. This fixes it.

Golem Registry and Shapers Life Reward Fix – Fixes the bug where you don’t get experience for these quests.

Unobtainable item BUGFIX – This fixes a whole list of bugs where things couldn’t be stolen, looted, or just aren’t there in the PC version.

Toolset only:

Add quite a lot of extra tattoos and scars to the toolset character creation. Tats and Scars

Many new hair styles for ladies (including earrings) and more are supposed to be made when the author has the time. LOTC Hair

Hair which is tucked behind the ears and out of the character’s faces. This is particularly good for elves. Updated to include some males and hair from DA2.

Weapons and Armor

Shadow Warden Armor – Mostly I just like the way it looks, to be honest… but it’s worked out well, too, without being game breaking. Seems to be about on par with some of the stuff I’ve gotten from vanilla DLCs.

Bow of the Forgotten Ranger – There’s very few bow mods out there, but this one was around some of the more powerful unique ones found in the vanilla game. It’s got a bit more punch than they do. Has optional arrows.

Awakening Mods

I had no idea Sigrun had a personal quest, even after playing Awakening a half dozen times. This is a bug fix which will allow you to complete it.

I don’t always have a problem with the Silverite Mines removing armor, but I did last time I played. Here’s another bug fix which will make sure you don’t lose any of your equipment.

Dragon Age Alistair Romance

Ever wonder why you couldn’t complete the Blackblade Armor set in Awakening (which I don’t think they fixed even with the 1.04 patch)? Evidently it’s bugged, but this mod will restore it to where it’s supposed to have dropped in the game. There’s also an option to have it drop sooner if you want to use it more. Awakening Blackblade Armor Dragon Drop Fix

Bring your old friends / lovers from Origins to hang out with you in Awakenings. This Mod isn’t perfected, yet, due to scripting problems. Your old friends speak in text only for now and they can’t join your party. I still think it’s worth the mention because it’s great fun and it was nice to have them hanging around to say “hi” to. I thought the characterization was well done and what the modder had the people saying fit their personalities (my 2 cents on it, anyway.) Origins Friends in Awakenings.

Dragon Age Alistair Wedding Mod 3

Other Mods:

Ser Gilmore NPC Mod – Be sure you read ALL instructions because this mod WILL conflict with a LOT of others. However, I think it’s worth it to take out your other mods and play this at least one time. I actually wrote a review on this one if you want more of my thoughts / specifics. There was too much to put here.

Of Noble Cast – this is a fun mod for the Origin story. I didn’t find it game breaking but did think it was a lot of fun. You start out wearing normal clothes rather than armor (it’s your brother going off to war, after all, not you) and have access to somewhat better armor as befits a noble. Adds a touch of realism as well as giving you slightly better stuff at the start.

Ever want to make Sten / Oghren use a shield, Alistair use a greatsword, Zev a bow master, put different spells on Wynne / Morrigan, or have Leliana a duel wield specialist? Ever put points on something and found out it was useless but didn’t want to start over just to fix it? This handy Mod lets you build your Warden PC and team however you want. Respec your party

Ever get tired of either having a Rogue forced into your party to open chests or switching over to them constantly to pick a lock? This mod solves that. You can bash open chests with “might or magic” and if you have Leliana or Zev with you, they automatically go to the door or chest to pick the lock for you. That’s what actually won me over on this mod. I missed that aspect of NWN. Works with Dragon Age Origins and Awakening. Lock Bash

Do you hate the Fade when the Sloth demon sends you to it in the Quest Broken Circle? If you do, try this one. It will give you all the boosts to your stats you’d get normally and all codex entries with limited play. You only have to go through your party member’s dreams and you’re done.

I used this one due to a bad crash and I hadn’t saved before I went into the Fade. I really, really didn’t want to redo the whole thing, so tried this Mod out. Worked perfectly for me. Skip the Fade

This allows you to play the Arcane Warrior mage at little more easily. I’ve gone through 9 or 10 incarnations of mages but found the Arcane Warrior to be tedious with the taking-the-weapon-out-putting-it-back-taking-it-out-again constant animation. At most, I’d put one block into it so I could have him/her wear armor and left it at that. This mod allows you to cast with your weapon out. Normally I fling spells first, anyway, then rely on Shapeshifting, running away or swordplay last so I didn’t find this a mod which overpowered the game. For me it just ironed out an irritation. Seems to be working in Awakening. Arcane Warrior Casting with Drawn Weapon

Although you get a camp storage chest at Soldier’s Peak, sometime I don’t want to do the peak right away. This will put a storage chest in your camp. Works with the 1.04 patch. Camp Storage Chest

Want even more storage than ever? Try Innodils Pocket Plane This will give you more storage than you and most of Ferelden could ever possibly need. As a nice bonus it also allows you to buy any crafting supplies. You have to pay for them, just like anywhere else, but it’s convenient. I haven’t tested this in Awakening, yet, but where some of the other mods have been buggy this has been solid and worked perfectly. Be careful with it and DLCs, however. It will conflict with Witch Hunt and needs to be turned off before playing it.

Hug your virtual friends and family in your Origin. If you’re human, your brother and father are about to go to war. Your mother is leaving the estate to you (and we all know how things end up.) Hug your parents. Hug your best friend from childhood, Tamlen, if you’re a female Dalish elf.

Romance Cullen a little bit with a female mage. The stolen kiss is top notch cinematography. This also unscrambles some of Cullen and Jowan’s responses and corrects them – it contains some dialog fixes for those two. Cullen Romance / Dialog Fixes

No Friendly Fire – Yes, I know, fans are in 2 very opposite camps about this effect. If you don’t want to use it, don’t download it! 😉 There are 3 options for this.

Mrsquits version – I have some trouble getting this one to work (but you may not.) I also like to change difficulties sometime if things get too hard with my variety of mods to make the game more challenging. For me, it’s a hassle to have to hunt the file down, delete, then put a new one in for each difficulty. Worth giving a try if you play on one difficulty all the time.

Csimbi version – This one works perfectly up to at least 1.04 patch. The only problem I had with it was that it doesn’t knock down your party, either. This may be a plus for you. I liked that effect, and only wanted the actual damage removed.

Unknown Version – This is my favorite and was linked here for a long time and it’s an easy install DAzip file. Unfortunately, the author deleted their account. I have it uploaded to my web space (if the author wants it removed, of course I will. I couldn’t find an email or any contact documentation except BSN in the readme.)

Randomize Dragon Age – This is an amazing little mod which put more kick into my game. It’s completely customizable to make it harder or easier depending on how badly you get maimed. This will insert new creatures (even bosses) randomly and also put in new drops.

The Witcher comes to Ferelden. I’ve never played The Witcher and this mod is listed in 2 places on this page. I got it strictly for the hair, and didn’t care about the armor (although it does have a great look and someone clearly had insane talent to create it) or the weapons. You might, however, particularly if you like The Witcher.

Add Awakening items to Origins like the Sentinel Set, Hirol’s Set, and other items. It will also allow you to use all the advanced skills from Awakening while in Origins. In order to add the items you will also need the Mods below: Add Item, Make Console Commands Visible, the link to the codes (I suggest printing the ones you want out), and may want to read up on how the Console works (link provided.)

Dragon Age Alistair Voice Actor

Add Item Mod – allows you to put anything into Origins or Awakening via the Console.

Make your Console text visible.

Shut Gorim UP! This does exactly what you’d think. Gorim (that dwarf in Denerim who keeps saying: “Dwarven crafts! Fine dwarven crafts!” will only say it once.

Remove circles from beneath the feet of characters and enemies. This will either completely remove the circles or make them lighter – your choice. Makes the game a little more realistic. Very subtle, but I found I really like it.

Learned Shapeshifting Forms – this one has the potential to be a game breaker. You can shapeshift into everything from a Deepstalker to a High Dragon. Personally I found some of the forms just too large or the natural monster shape to obstruct my view. I’ve stayed to the Darkspawn, demons, and werewolf shapes because of that. All in all, a really fun mod to play around with, however. Only works on the Warden and not on Morrigan or the NPCs.

Extra Quickbars – I lamented the days of Neverwinter Nights where you could push a button and bring up a new bar at the bottom of your screen. For mages, in particular, you end up having to pick and choose what you want in your quickbar slots with DA:O. This will give you three quick bars rather than just the one in the vanilla game. A GREAT addition for mages and almost a must for the Shapeshifting mod listed above. If you can’t find the arrows, they’re under the Skills menu.

Over 100 beautiful Head Morphs for the PC and more constantly being added. I like to make my own morphs but sometime it just isn’t possible for people. If you can’t use the Toolset because your computer won’t handle it, or maybe you just don’t have the knack for making people look how you want to. Some of these are presets, some are files you drop into your override, but take a look if you struggle with your Warden’s looks. There’s every race, both sexes, and everything from the gorgeous to the otherworldly.

Improved Atmosphere – Conflicts with a few things so be sure to read on any mod you use. Karma’s Companions has conflicts with this. It adds people and makes the world more interesting around your Warden. There’s also subtle color changes in clothing and some armor that’s altered here and there.

Increased Combat Dialog – Very simple mod which makes your party shout more frequently in a battle.

Faster Combat (more like Dragon Age 2) in Origins – What it sounds like.

The Mods below are Fan Made additions to your main campaign. They appear on your world map the same was as the Bioware released DLC Return to Ostagar or Soldier’s Peak.

Return to Castle Cousland – This is what it sounds like. The voices were straight from the Toolset so a little distracting to me, but it was fun to run through.

Ancient Elven Ruins – Fun little mod which has some recycled maps but is fully voiced. Not completely lore friendly for the stickler of those kinds of things, but a great early adventure for lower level Wardens.

Pints and Quarts – This is a series of fan made adventures which aren’t 100% Lore friendly. Fully voiced, and I had a lot of fun with them. (Works best if you play Ancient Elven Ruins first.) If you want a challenge, do these on Nightmare.

Swamp Tower Adventure – By the same person who did Pints and Quarts and Elven Ruins. Good fun, and if you want a challenge, try it on Nightmare.

Infested Grounds – Another by the same author as above. It lets your Warden and party go through a fan built area, interact with fully voiced NPCs, and enjoy some new battles.

Return to the Korcari Wilds – This is one of the best put together fan mods I’ve seen. It’s remained popular for a reason and is complete with cutscenes, 2 companions, voice, and a personal quest.

Alley of Murders – A fun, fully voiced adventure which starts in Denerim.

The Blood Works -Be careful with this one. It’s a huge mod with a lot of unbalancing perks. (You can get unlimited books to max out your Warden literally in everything. Which can be fun if you want to try everything out, but does unbalance the game.) It completely crashed my game to the point I couldn’t finish it while using the 1.05 patch. I’ve read a lot of complaints about mods crashing, but that was the first one out of everything on this page which had an issue with 1.05. It may have also been 1.05 with Improved Atmosphere. I uninstalled that when I started over, as well.

It’s fully voiced but some of the people are really quiet and some very loud. Be prepared for that.

Rumored to conflict with Return to Korcari Wilds but I ran it with RtKW, Ser Gilmore, Karma’s Companions, and Dark Times Act 1 without any problems.

Worth a try? Yes! Just be warned of bugs and use the 1.04 patch.

Quests and Legends – I haven’t played this, yet, but it looks incredible.

Dragon Age Dark Times Act 1 – This is huge and can be a lot of fun. It teleports you to an odd Fade-type realm with all new maps, 3 new companions, and is fully voiced. Unfortunately it won’t ever be finished, but it’s definitely got a lot of extra game play in even the first Act. Does have some bugs in it, so be careful and save frequently. Update: This mod was originally hosted on BSN and lead to a Dropbox, Mediafire or a torrent. The above link goes to someone’s shared cloud storage. If it’s the creator or not, I don’t know. It appears to be a clean and working copy. That’s where my latest download came from, but use with caution.

I get a lot of hits from people looking for the sex and nudity mods. There’s no link for those here, but I’m sure you can find them on Dragon Age Nexus. Join their site and if you’re over 18 you can search for anything you want.